Completed projects
Demric – Development of a Model to Raise Individual Competencies Using Blended Learning in Collaboration of Universities, Sectors, and Society
Dream-Job – Development Relationship in European Apprenticeship Methodologies to Join Organizational Best Practices (de)
DROP IN! – Learning partnerships and peer review for a better evaluation of policies and cross-sectoral practices reducing dropout in Europe
E-Know-Net – A Virtual Platform for the Creation and Distribution of Knowledge in Professional Training
EduTeach – Continuing Education to Preschool Teachers and Education Directors through Online Trainings
F2F2D – F2F2D and back - How to effectively transfer F2F language courses to online/distance form in a short time
GrandExpertS – Training older Experts to Share their Knowledge and Create their own Learning Material
HoDaPro – Neue hochschuldidaktisch Professionelle - Berufsrollen und Berufsentwicklung in der Hochschuldidaktik als Beitrag zur Qualitätsentwicklung im third space
Hyb.Learn.Europe – Hybrides Lernen für KMU in Europa, Entwicklung eines transnationalen Lernkonzeptes am Beispiel des Industrial Engineering in KMU
INKULT New Normal – [DiL INKULT | New Normal 2022] Förderprogramm zur Verknüpfung analoger und digitaler Lehre | Flipped Classroom-Konzepte entwickeln und erproben als „New Normal“ der Lehre an der FAU
Locomotion – Location-based mobile phones applications for independent living of disabled and elderly citizens
LOOP – Empowering teachers personal, professional and social continuous development through innovative peer-induction programmes
Managed Outcomes – Operations Management and Demand-based Approaches to Healthcare Outcomes and Cost-benefits Research
MASSIVE – Modelling Advice and Support Services to Integrate the Virtual Component in Higher Education
Multipalio – Developing and upgrading of a European qualification system for teachers and trainers on Open and Distance Learning
MUVEnation – Motivating pupils, linking teachers through active learning with Multi-Users Virtual Environments
Netlingu@ – Virtuelle Sprach-Lehrangebote zur Austausch-Unterstützung und Internationalisierung des Studiums
ODISSEU – Online gaming and Digital tools to promote the asylum seekers Integration and increase awareneSS amongst schools of the refugees' crisis in Europe
OLPASS – Development of a European Clearing-House to facilitate Cross-country Exchange of Open and Distance Learning Materials and Components
PePCAA – A Pedagogical Psychology Computer Assisted Assessment System to support Initial and Lifelong Teacher Training
PLASTIC FREE HEROES – Developing 21st century competences through inquiry-based learning and social activism
POSILLIPO – Partnership Observation System for the Implementation of Lifelong Learning Initiatives and Policies
Reference – Study and evaluation of the uses of multimedia in training and the conditions for its effectiveness
ROMEO – Renforcer les compétences Organisationnelles des jeunes salariés et des femmes par le MEntOr d'entreprise
SCHOOLS ENGAGE – Service Learning as a vehicle for fostering active citizenship in secondary education across Europe
SMEB – Support for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Engaging in Apprenticeships: Getting SMEs on Board
Steps – New Approaches for Prevention of Domestic Violence against Disabled Children for developing a Better Social Europe
Sustain – Beacon Project to support the sustainability of SOCRATES ODL outputs through dissemination
vhb – SCIENGLISH | Understanding scientific English for Economists/for Computer Scientists/for Health Professionals