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Project Description


Technological advancements make our daily lives easier, especially since technology offers a series of tools and services to organise, manage and automate most of our daily routines related to work or household. Smart home automation is not a new trend since it exists for some years now and has helped thousands of people simplify processes in their households. 

What we need to consider is seniors’ level of readiness to embrace such solutions, understand them and, why not, build them as well. The link between senior citizens and smart homes is evident and although there is a wide range of solutions and products, there is still some negativity to these technologies mainly due to the lack of knowledge and skills by the higher portion of the senior population. 

This is why the SmartHome4SENIORS project was conceptualised. The project will support and guide seniors of 55+ years of age having basic ICT skills into the world of DIY smart home solutions and help them acquire the skills and knowledge that is needed for this endeavour, while at the same time younger adults/seniors/volunteers will be engaged to tutor their older colleagues/friends/relatives.


The SmartHome4SENIORS project has as primary objective to assist seniors (younger and older) in their everyday lives by guiding the world of DIY smart home automation solutions. 

In terms of specific objectives, we can identify the following: 

  • Providing seniors with a hands-on approach to make their lives easier, simplifying their daily routines, enhancing their safety and security, offering hands-free control, but also developing a sense of ownership and value in their creations and promoting civic engagement and collaboration. 
  • Developing an effective educational package that integrates principles of engineering, electronics, DIY creations, digital competencies and soft skills, tailor-made to the needs of seniors. 
  • Incorporating gamification and experiential concepts in the teaching procedure for older adults, keeping them engaged and motivated. 
  • Creating evidence-based policy and research recommendations for the use of hands-on learning in the older ages. 
  • Reinforcing the ability of educational institutions and adult training centres to provide high quality and inclusive digital education for all ages. 
  • Creating a community of practice for our seniors and individuals in elder care as well as younger adults/volunteers, through a virtual academy, which promotes collaboration, exchange of good practices and ensures continuity and further development of project outcomes.


The core theme of the project is to offer innovative training assets to senior citizens fostering hands-on educational learning. Furthermore, the project aims to offer innovative digital resources and tools which can be used to assist and safeguard senior/elder citizens in cases of distant living and during the difficult times of COVID-19. These resources are essential for every European country and represent one of the core values of the European Union. 

The SmartHome4SENIORS project will develop: 

  •  educational content 
  •  a personalised training application and 
  •  a do-it-yourself kit powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico 

 to guide seniors into the world of DIY smart home automation solutions to ease their everyday lives and increase their safety. At the same time, seniors will learn new skills or enhance existing ones in the fields of electronics, programming, problem-solving and critical thinking. Seniors will learn how to build and configure DIY electronic kits to create smart home solutions and implement them in several rooms in their household, while at the same time they will learn how to program and control inputs/outputs from smart sensors and how to adapt them to their specific needs. 

Der technologische Fortschritt erleichtert unser tägliches Leben, zumal die Technologie eine Reihe von Werkzeugen und Diensten anbietet, mit denen wir die meisten unserer täglichen Routinen im Zusammenhang mit der Arbeit oder dem Haushalt organisieren, verwalten und automatisieren können. Die intelligente Hausautomatisierung im Smart Home ist kein neuer Trend, denn sie existiert bereits seit einigen Jahren und hat Tausenden von Menschen geholfen, die Abläufe in ihren Haushalten zu vereinfachen.

Was wir berücksichtigen müssen, ist der Grad der Bereitschaft von Senior:innen, solche Lösungen anzunehmen, sie zu verstehen und - warum nicht - sie auch zu bauen. Die Verbindung zwischen Senior:innen und intelligenten Häusern ist offensichtlich, und obwohl es eine breite Palette von Lösungen und Produkten gibt, gibt es immer noch eine gewisse Ablehnung gegenüber diesen Technologien, die vor allem auf das mangelnde Wissen und die fehlenden Fähigkeiten des größeren Teils der älteren Bevölkerung zurückzuführen ist.

Aus diesem Grund wurde das Projekt SmartHome4SENIORS ins Leben gerufen. Das Projekt wird Senior:innen im Alter von 55+, die über grundlegende IKT-Kenntnisse verfügen, in die Welt der DIY-Smart-Home-Lösungen einführen und ihnen dabei helfen, die dafür erforderlichen Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse zu erwerben, während gleichzeitig jüngere Erwachsene/Senior:innen/Freiwillige engagiert werden, um ihre älteren Kolleg:innen/Freunde/Verwandten zu unterrichten.

Das Projekt SmartHome4SENIORS hat als primäres Ziel, Senior:innen in ihrem Alltag zu unterstützen, indem es ihnen die Welt der Do-it-yourself-Lösungen für die intelligente Hausautomatisierung näherbringt.

Das Kernthema des Projekts ist die Bereitstellung innovativer Schulungsmaterialien für Senior:innen, die das praktische Lernen fördern. Darüber hinaus zielt das Projekt darauf ab, innovative digitale Ressourcen und Werkzeuge anzubieten, die genutzt werden können, um ältere Bürgerinnen und Bürger zu unterstützen und zu schützen, wenn sie in der Ferne leben und als Hilfe in den schwierigen Zeiten von COVID-19. Diese Ressourcen sind für jedes europäische Land von Bedeutung und beziehen sich auf einen der Grundwerte der Europäischen Union.

Im Projekt SmartHome4SENIORS werden entwickelt:

  • Bildungsinhalte
  • eine personalisierte Schulungsanwendung und
  • ein Do-it-yourself-Kit, betrieben von einem Raspberry Pi Pico  

um Senior:innen in die Welt der intelligenten Heimautomatisierungslösungen zu führen, die ihren Alltag erleichtern und ihre Sicherheit erhöhen. Gleichzeitig werden die Senior:innen neue Fähigkeiten in den Bereichen Elektronik, Programmierung, Problemlösung und kritisches Denken erlernen oder bestehende Fähigkeiten verbessern. Die Senior:innen lernen, wie man elektronische Bausätze für Smart-Home-Lösungen selbst baut und konfiguriert und sie in mehreren Räumen ihres Haushalts einsetzt. Gleichzeitig lernen sie, wie man die Ein- und Ausgänge von intelligenten Sensoren programmiert und steuert und wie man sie an ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse anpasst.

Project Results

  • At this step, the partnership performs desk research of specific topics in partner countries, as well as field research with the direct beneficiaries. Quantitative and qualitative perspectives, as well as previously conducted research, will be taken into consideration during the design phase of the proposed research method to deploy a relevant and up-to-date strategy.

The results form a state-of-play framework depicting the current situation in European countries regarding existing smart home solutions for seniors, their actual needs and the level of ICT skills required is the core theme of this project results.

The following methodology is to be followed:

  • The SmartHome4SENIORS Kit aims to promote safe and healthy living for seniors through hands-on educational learning. The Kit offers a great opportunity for users to dive into the world of DIY smart home automation solutions that will ease their everyday lives and increase their safety while at the same time they will acquire new skills in the fields of electronics, engineering, problem-solving and critical thinking. The Kit comprises of all the necessary hardware (microcontroller, electronics, sensors, peripherals, etc.) that can be used on the one hand by senior citizens, incorporating physical computing and programming concepts, and on the other hand by tutors who will help older adults in creating such smart home applications.
  • SmartHome Kit Manual (PDF)
  • At this step, the partnership aims to develop a guide for seniors with clear and detailed information as to why should they use the SmartHome4SENIORS kit and how to use it, as well as information about its components and the use of the SmartHome4SENIORS App complemented by tutorials that will utilise the Kit sensors, components and peripherals into smart home solutions. These tutorials involve the construction of several DIY kits, using the material and resources already provided, which will be used to develop simple DIY smart home solutions.

The educational resources are structured in a learning motivation environment (LME) engaging the users (seniors/trainers/tutors) in the learning process, offering an enhanced experience through motivational workflows and gamification mechanisms. A "Skills and Achievement Framework" will validate the acquired knowledge using the Open Badges system.

The Guide can be downloaded by clicking here!

  • The developed web application contains several activities on the topic of smart home automation for senior citizens. The web application will include activities in the form of text, videos and quizzes that learners can access anytime they want to try a smart home solution in their house.  The characteristics of the web app are the following :
    • Filters to help the learners search among a pool of activities and select those relevant to their needs.
    • Notification functionality: Automated messages will be sent to users on a specific time basis through email or SMS.
    • Rating functionality: The users will be able to evaluate the activities using voting widgets (e.g., star rating).
    • “Favourite button” feature: The learners will be able to mark the activities they enjoyed as “favourites”.
    • Completion of an activity: Learners can mark an activity as completed.
    • User profile: The information that the user indicated on the registration phase will form the user’s profile.

Visit the web application by clicking here:



Anne-Marie Lipphardt
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61120

Roland Hallmeier
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61113


Alfredo Salomão Filho
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85-61117
Zur Projekt-Website



Projekt abgeschlossen


Erasmus+ Logo

Disclaimer of liability: this project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The authors are solely responsible for the content of this publication; the Commission is not responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Beteiligte Institutionen

Alle Projekte


Anne-Marie Lipphardt
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61120

Roland Hallmeier
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61113


Alfredo Salomão Filho
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85-61117
Zur Projekt-Website



Projekt abgeschlossen