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ODISSEU – Online gaming and Digital tools to promote the asylum seekers Integration and increase awareneSS amongst schools of the refugees‘ crisis in Europe

Project Overview

Growing diversity in EU challenges the education sector to develop strategies for accepting and embracing difference and empower teachers to provide instrument of understanding to student in this complex and changing reality. Within this landscape, the school is a critical institution for transmitting values and attitudes that honor openness and learning from difference. The educational sector can provide a place where young people learn the skills and competences that will help them resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner and learn from diversity.

ODISSEU was designed to develop young people digital and media literacy competences, so as to develop resistance to all forms of discrimination. This is a first person experiential game for secondary students follows a young person’s journey from oppression in their home country to exile in a country of asylum. It was developed to be aligned to the below mentioned priorities which served as a steer to the project design.

Aims and Objectives

One of the key objectives of the ODISSEU project is to influence the wider education system in the 6 partner countries. The use of ICT in particular will allow for a transformation of the role of the teachers and students from passive recipients to active producers of information, thus contributing to their empowerment. Asylum seekers will learn how to value their stories as resulting in a strengthen cohesion and inclusion.

Moreover, the ODISSEU project aims at achieving the following goals:

  1. Develop, adapt and transfer an innovative online simulation game to increase understanding and raise awareness of refugee issues amongst secondary school students while developing life skills.
  2. Develop online education resources to support secondary school teachers to engage young people in informed discussion about Migration and Asylum in the EU.
  3. Promote a positive interaction and active participation of asylum seekers and refuges by engaging them to participate in local community’s life telling their stories and helping others understand their perspectives.
  4. Enhancing young people critical thinking and media literacy, particularly in the use of the Internet and social media, in order to develop resistance to of discrimination and indoctrination



Julia Schieber
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85 611 15
Zur Projekt-Website



Projekt abgeschlossen


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Disclaimer of liability: this project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The authors are solely responsible for the content of this publication; the Commission is not responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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Julia Schieber
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85 611 15
Zur Projekt-Website



Projekt abgeschlossen