The Erasmus+ project MoreThanHuman (2023-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000153146) is in line with the priority 'Environment & Fight against Climate Change'. The project focuses on challenging human-centred worldviews and engaging with relational worldviews in higher education to combat climate change. To this end, it aims to systematically identify and map relational pedagogies in higher education across different disciplines. This mapping will highlight effective pedagogies that go beyond traditional human-centred approaches. MoreThanHuman aims to fill a gap in education by developing a framework for sustainability pedagogy based on evidence-based research. This framework targets competencies often overlooked in traditional pedagogies, ensuring that individuals acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to actively participate in a sustainable future. By challenging established educational paradigms, the project aligns with the broader imperative of mitigating climate change through innovative and relational teaching methods.
MoreThanHuman will promote the pedagogy framework via a flexible online training and a digital pedagogy hub.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. - Nationale Agentur für Erasmus + Hochschulzusammenarbeit. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. ”
Tanja TillmannsE-Mail schreiben
Alfredo Salomão Filho
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85-61117
E-Mail schreibenZur Projekt-Website
01.12.2023–30.11.2026Projekt aktiv
- Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) (Deutschland)
Beteiligte Institutionen
- Stimmuli for Social Change (Griechenland)
- Wageningen University (Niederlande)
- Universidade Aberta (Portugal)
- University of Galway (Ireland)
- Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) (Deutschland)

Tanja TillmannsE-Mail schreiben
Alfredo Salomão Filho
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85-61117
E-Mail schreibenZur Projekt-Website
01.12.2023–30.11.2026Projekt aktiv