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Invitation From Southkorea to Attend the First Korean Gerontechnology Expo

ILI was honored to be invited to the 2017 International Gerontechnology Expo held from November 9-12 at KINTEX in Ilsan, South Korea. Paul Held and Laura Slysz followed the invitation and had a unique professional and human experience. The invitation included a presentation, a panel discussion and the animation of an exhibition booth.

All professional activities turned out to be very successful. ILI’s unique portfolio regarding open and flexible training of seniors, especially in the field of emerging technologies, is of high relevance for South Korea, the most rapidly ageing society worldwide. New assistive (geron)technologies are widely developed there for telemedicine and assisted care and have to be trained. So, a large demand for cooperation emerged, also from neighbor countries like Japan and China, and many relevant questions came from the audience.

On the other hand, the ILI delegation was provided with a 360° attention from the arrival to the departure, never experienced on similar events. All contact persons gave such a warm welcome and provided a social program which introduced widely into Korean culture and life style, including the visit of a seniors’ day care and a high standard seniors’ residence in Seoul. ILI is now about exploring all opportunities for further cooperation.

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