The [DiL] Topic Certificate DIGITAL TEACHING was developed by the Institute for Learning Innovation (ILI) as the Center for Digital Education in cooperation with the Center for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (FBZHL) at FAU. It is aimed at all teachers at FAU who would like to strengthen and further develop their digital and media didactic skills and thus their teaching profile.
Goals and contents of the certificate
A wide range of seminars on digital teaching supports FAU faculty in developing their own media-didactic concepts and in using digital media for university teaching in a meaningful and demand-oriented way. Within the framework of the certificate, central skills are being promoted, that are required for the implementation of digital elements and concepts in university teaching. Based on the acquisition of university-, examination- and media-didactic competencies, the following didactic goals of digital teaching are addressed:
- Impart subject contents in a competence-oriented manner that promotes learning
- Mentor students online
- Digitally motivate and activate students
- Digitally evaluate learning objectives, learning progress and teaching.
In addition, aspects of the production of learning materials for digital teaching and learning scenarios (learning films, audio podcasts, learning materials in StudOn) as well as (optionally) the implementation of one’s own digitally supported teaching project are the focus of the [DiL] topic certificate.

The [DiL] Topic Certificate DIGITAL TEACHING consists of a compulsory program as well as electives, comprising a total of 80 work units (AE).

The required units of work can be acquired via a flexible and modular curriculum and taken in the elective area according to one’s own areas of interest.
Mandatory program (40 AE)
The mandatory program serves to impart basic higher education didactic competencies in the subject area of higher education didactics. It also tests basic media didactic competencies in the area of digital teaching. The courses Fundamentals of University Didactics, Fundamentals of Testing and the [DiL] Basic Course are mandatory for the acquisition of the subject certificate. Further [DiL] courses, which address the didactic goals of digital teaching (impart | mentor | activate | evaluate) as well as the implementation of digital teaching with StudOn, can be freely selected from the program.
Electives (40 AE)
Through the electives, faculty have the opportunity to enhance their higher education and media didactic skills and apply them to their own teaching practice. Two different electives are available:
Elective “Digital Teaching Practice“
Through the elective program “Digital Teaching Practice”, teachers can get the conception of a digitally supported teaching and learning scenario (16 units) credited. In addition to the obligatory creation and reflection of a media-didactic conception (e.g. in the context of a peer reflection moderated by the [DiL] coordination team at the ILI or in the context of a consultation appointment with the [DiL] coordination team at the ILI and/or the e-learning coordinator of the respective faculty), either (1) the implementation or (2) the evaluation and documentation of a (partially) digitized course / teaching and learning scenario is required:
- (1) Peer reflection of the media-didactic conception + media implementation and design of the teaching-learning scenario.
or - (2) Peer reflection of the media didactic conception + written reflection of the digitally supported teaching and learning scenario (goals, measures, experiences, success factors) using a standardized reflection sheet.
If these conditions for recognition of the digital teaching and learning scenario are met, then applicants will receive confirmation of this module. The crediting is carried out by the [DiL] coordination team at ILI (
QuiS digitization projects that are or were designed and implemented in media didactics within the framework of BMBF funding can be credited for the elective program “Digital Teaching Practice”. The crediting of a QuiS project also takes place via the [DiL] coordination team at ILI (
In addition to the design of a digitally supported teaching and learning scenario, further courses or events from the [DiL] digital university teaching portfolio (as described under elective program “[DiL] Courses”) must be taken to the extent of 24 AE as part of the elective “Digital Teaching Practice”.
Elective “[DiL] Courses”
Here, all courses marked [DiL] on the topic of digital university teaching can be selected from the range of courses offered via ProfiLehrePlus to the extent of 40 AE. These include courses on the didactic goals of digital teaching (impart | supervise | activate | evaluate), StudOn courses, courses on media production (e.g. video. audio), legal foundations for digital teaching; FAU events with content relevant to digital teaching such as “Tag der Lehre”, “Praxis-Tag der Lehre” and the event series ” Digitale Lehre an der FAU – mit Konzept!“ can also be brought in via the electives. In addition, only continuing education services with a clear connection to digital university teaching can be recognized.
Acquisition and recognition of the units of work
The courses required according to the curriculum can be taken via ProfiLehrePlus. The work units acquired in this way are automatically credited to you in your personal profile at ProfiLehrePlus and can additionally be credited for the [DiL] subject certificate DIGITAL TEACHING. Courses with the focus “Digital Teaching” are marked with [DiL] in the portal.
The crediting of your digitally supported teaching and learning scenario (elective program “Digital Teaching Practice”) is done by the [DiL] team at ILI (
In principle, third-party services (identical to the Certificate in University Teaching) from other providers can only be considered if the following criteria have been met:
- The relation of the course to digital university teaching must be clearly evident.
- The event must be assignable to the compulsory or elective program.
- The duration, the institution and also the trainer of the event must be proven by a certificate of attendance.
- Only continuing education courses attended less than 6 years ago can be recognized.
- Achievements made within a specialized course of study are not eligible for credit.
- A maximum of 50% of the total work units of the [DiL] Topic Certificate DIGITAL TEACHING were acquired from external services of other providers
Please contact the [DiL] team at ILI for credit for courses offered by other universities or non-university providers.
Application for the [DiL] topic certificate DIGITAL TEACHING
Requirements to apply for the subject certificate are:
- All certificates of achievement associated with the subject certificate must be no more than six years old.
- A maximum of half of the AE for the subject certificate may be acquired as an external service (FAU external).
Once you have acquired all the required work units, you can apply for the issuance of your certificate. You will find the overview of your attended seminars after logging in to ProfiLehrePlus in your profile under “Attended seminars”.
To apply for the [DiL] Topic Certificate DIGITAL TEACHING, please download the application form and send it to us, filled out, including the proof of participation in the attachment by mail to
Application form for the topic certificate
Your [DiL] subject certificate DIGITAL TEACHING will be sent to the submitted postal address after successful examination. The certificate is signed by the FAU university administration. The mailing usually takes place quarterly, so it may take several weeks until you receive your certificate.
Feel free to contact us if you still have questions: