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The Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) is proud to announce that its H2020-SC6-CO-CREATION-2016-2017 proposal, NEMESIS has reached the stage of Grant Agreement preparation with the European Union.

The title of the proposal is Novel Educational Model Enabling Social Innovation Skills development (NEMESIS). NEMESIS designs, develops and tests an educational model for equipping students of primary and secondary education with Social Innovation Skills, values and tools. This process will enable students to become creative social thinkers, develop entrepreneurial mind-sets, and become social change makers into a world where inequality, poverty and social exclusion are still quite evident.

The NEMESIS model builds on a combination of innovative pedagogies and learning models open technologies and participatory relations and processes. It also creates bridges between the learning communities and real world social innovation experiences by creating a European wide community of social innovation practitioners eager to interact with students, facilitating interdisciplinary and intergenerational learning. To foster its potential to scale and be adopted by educational institutions around Europe, the project develops a Social Innovation Open Learning Platform to gran access to the specific educational model and resources to all with emphasis on those from disadvantaged environments.

This platform also facilitates the creation of a Community of Practice of teachers, school leaders and relevant stakeholders willing to break silos, engage in dialogue, drive organizational change and experience the value of the NEMESIS educational model. NEMESIS will be piloted in Greece, Spain, UK, France and Portugal engaging stakeholders into co-creation of educational resources, collective learning through the development of projects and digital storytelling as well as into online learning and knowledge sharing communities of peers. In that way, the project builds a contemporary educational model that will act as a catalyst in innovative skills based education in Europe that is expected to improve current teaching and learning practices and drive students’ passion for sustainable social change.

The NEMESIS consortium consists of 15 partners from 7 European partners. For more information please contact the project coordinator Dr. Aristidis Protopsaltis.

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